Since 2009, I have been involved with the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission, initially as consultant expert and subsequently as member.
In 2009 I was active member of the appointed panel of experts that prompted the IOC endorsement for the periodic evaluation of Olympic athletes to prevent health injuries and cardiac events. The consensus statement was eventually approved by the IOC as “The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Consensus Statement on Periodic Health Evaluation of Elite Athletes” (Br J Sports Med. 200; Sep;43(9):631-43 and Clin J Sport Med 2009;19:347–365). This document represents a milestone in the cultural pathway of the Sport Cardiology, by endorsing the cardiovascular screening model originally proposed by the Sport Cardiology Section of the EACPR.
As a member of the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission, I participated to the meetings and gave my advices for organization of scientific events and educational courses. To notice, my participation as lecturer to the “Advanced Course for Team Physicians” held at the Stanford University in June, 25-27th, 2009.
In April 6-9th, 2011 I was invited to give the introductory key-note lecture to the IOC World Conference on “Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport” organized in Monte Carlo, with the title of “Sudden cardiac death in athletes”
In September 8th, 2011 I organized and chaired the 1st Course on “ECG interpretation in athletes” for team and NOCs physicians, held in the IOC headquarters in Lausanne.
In August 2012, during the Olympic Games, I organized a teaching course focused on the ECG implementation in screening elite athletes, attended by the team physicians participating at the Olympic Games.
In October 18th, 2013 I was the organizer and lecturer of the “2nd IOC course on PHE and Imaging testing” held in the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, and attended by the team physicians of the NOCs and IFs.
In June 6-7 2014, I was the organizer and lecturer of the “3rd IOC course on PHE and Imaging testing” held in Rome, at the Institute of Sport Medicine and Science.
In 2015, I organized the “4th IOC course on PHE and sport cardiology” held in Buenos Aires, in collaboration with the Argentinian NOC and Argentinian Society of Cardiology.
2016, March 24. Nominated Member of the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission.
November 27-29, 2016. I was the organizer and lecturer of the “5th IOC course on Sport Cardiology” held in Beograd, in cooperation with the Serbian National Olympic Committee.
November 18, 2017. I was the organizer and lecturer of the “6th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” held in Rome, in cooperation with the Italian National Olympic Committee.
October 26,27, 2018. I was the organizer and lecturer of the “7th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” held in Rome, in cooperation with the Italian National Olympic Committee.
July 4, 5th, 2019. I was the organizer and lecturer of the “8th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” held in Tokyo.
October 1-2. 2020. I organized the “9th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” that was scheduled in Budapest but cancelled because of the Covid-19.
November 3-5, 2021. I was the organizer and lecturer of the “10th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” held in Istanbul, in cooperation with the Turkish Olympic Committee.
November 10-11, 2023. Program Director and Lecturer of the “12th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” held in Medellin, Colombia, organized by the International Olympic Committee
October 25th, 26th, 2024. Program Director and Lecturer of the “12th IOC Course on Sport Cardiology” held in Rome, organized by the International Olympic Committee