In 1983, the Italian Society of Sports Cardiology (SIC Sport) was founded by Antonio Venerando in Rome and I was one of the 12 founding Members.
Since 1983 I actively participated as a honorary Fellow to the scientific life of the SIC Sport, either as lecturer in the National Meetings, or faculty member in the educational courses that the society organizes periodically in Italy.
1983-2013. Over this long-term period, I have been involved as scientific advisor in the organization of most educational and scientific events that the SIC Sport shares with other scientific societies in Italy.
In 2013 I was elected as Deputy-President of the Italian Society of Sport Cardiology.
In 2015 elected President of Italian Society of Sport Cardiology. As President, I claimed the main aim of the Society for the next period to be the revision of the COCIS, the Italian Guidelines for Competitive Sport Participation in Athletes with CV Diseases.
In 2016-17, I managed the organization of the working groups to revise the Italian Guidelines for Competitive Sport Participation in Athletes with CV Diseases (COCIS).
In the same period, I contributed to revise the scientific program and organized faculty participation of the experts in the major congresses and meetings organized in Italy by the cardiology scientific societies (SIC, ANCE, ARCA)
2017. I was the chair of the revised 2017 Edition of the COCIS (Italian Guidelines to Competitive Sport Participation) eventually released on September 28th, 2017.
2017, 28-30 September. I organized the XVIII Congress of the Italian Society of Sport Cardiology, in Rome, Centro Giulio Onesti.
2018 to present. As Past-President I contributed actively to the strategic decisions of the Society and made a substantial impact on preparation of the scientific program for the biannual congress of the Society.
2019. I was delegated by the SIC Sport Board to represent the Society in the context of international relationship with other Scientific Societies active in the area of Exercise, Sport and CV diseases.
2020. I represented the expertise of the SIC Sport in the compilation and release of the 2020 ESC Guidelines on Sport Cardiology.
2021-23. I was delegated by the SIC Sport Board to represent the Society to revise the Italian Guidelines for Competitive Sport Participation in Athletes with CV Diseases (COCIS 2023).
2023. Revision and release of the cardiomyopathy section of the Italian Guidelines for Competitive Sport Participation in Athletes with CV Diseases (COCIS 2023).